While smoking causes a variety of health problems, the most common is lung cancer. This cancer is primarily caused by the exposure to carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. More than 60 carcinogens are found in tobacco smoke and more than 20 of them are associated with lung cancer development. Smoking can also cause second-hand smoke to spread, which can also lead to lung cancer.
Public awareness of tobacco related diseases
Public awareness of tobacco-related diseases is an important step towards combating tobacco use. However, there are still many problems associated with smoking, such as increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Public awareness of these diseases varies by age, gender, and wealth index.
In this article, we review some of the findings to identify which factors influence tobacco-related disease awareness in different age groups.

The survey revealed that women and older adults were more likely to recognize the risk of lung cancer, myocardial infarction, and COPD caused by smoking. The percentage of respondents who knew that smoking causes a disease increased with age, while age and marital status had no effect on awareness of tobacco-related diseases.
Additionally, education level, occupation, and financial status were not significant predictors of public awareness of tobacco-related diseases.
Costs of tobacco use in the U.S.
The U.S. government is addressing this issue by raising the federal excise tax on cigarettes. The tax on cigarettes is currently around 81 cents, but the legislation is likely to go much higher. A proposal by the Clinton Health Care Security Act would increase the tax to 75 cents a pack. This would help reduce the consumption of cigarettes and reduce the cost of healthcare for Americans.
The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment estimated that the cost of smoking to the U.S. economy was $259 per person in 1990. However, some experts claim that the true cost is even higher.
The cost of smoking to society is at least $65 billion per year, which includes health care expenses and lost productivity. According to the study, smokers’ lifetime medical expenses are estimated to be more than six times greater than non-smokers.
Lung cancer as the most recognized tobacco related disease
China is experiencing an unprecedented lung cancer epidemic. In 2015, the country reported 733,000 new cases and 610,000 deaths. It is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the country. The main factor driving these trends is exposure to tobacco smoke. The prevalence of smoking in China was 27.7% in 2015. However, exposure to secondhand smoke is high. As a result, China has taken significant steps to combat the problem.
Lung cancer is much more common among men than in women. It is also more prevalent in developed nations, including the United States, Canada, and the European Union, which have higher cigarette availability and smoking rates. The incidence of lung cancer in these countries was 1.6 million cases in 2008, with 1.4 million deaths.
However, this figure does not account for the fact that more people are dying from lung cancer in less-developed countries. For example, the incidence of lung cancer in Asian, Latin American, and African countries is approximately twice that of their white counterparts.
Health consequences of second-hand smoke
Second-hand smoke exposes children and adults to toxic chemicals that are harmful to their health. The chemicals cause damage to their lungs and nose. They are also associated with diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. Children who are exposed to second-hand smoke often have respiratory problems and cough more often. They are also more likely to develop heart disease and lung cancer.
People who are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke may be unaware of the risks to their health. Typically, they do not undergo any tests. However, doctors can perform tests on their patients to determine their exposure levels. They can also perform a pulmonary function test to measure damage to lung tissue. This type of test can help determine if second-hand smoke exposure is the cause of other health problems.
Heart disease
Cigarette smoke contains a variety of chemicals that have been shown to promote cardiovascular disease, including atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular disease. Smoking triggers the aggregation of platelets, an inflammatory process, and activation of the coagulation system. These changes in the blood vessels’ physiology and composition lead to the development of atherosclerosis.
While smoking is not the only contributor to CVD, it is the primary cause. Tobacco use has been linked to higher mortality rates for cardiovascular disease. The aging population and growth of the global population make tobacco use a huge problem. Ultimately, this makes tobacco control imperative. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), reducing tobacco use will prevent the onset of tobacco-related CVD.
Atherosclerosis is a tobacco-related disease and is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Current smoking, and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is associated with increased risk of atherosclerosis. It is particularly important to stop smoking to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Smoking causes more than 6 million deaths worldwide, and in the U.S., it is responsible for nearly half of these deaths. Second-hand smoke is responsible for an additional 10% of deaths. Several epidemiological studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Other studies have indicated that even smokeless tobacco or low-tar cigarettes increase the risk of heart disease.
In general, passive smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%, while active smoking increases the risk by 80%.