If you’re trying to quit smoking, it’s important to learn ways to avoid triggers and temptations. These include stress, coffee and alcohol, and other situations where you may be tempted to smoke.
Make a list of your triggers, and work on ways to deal with them. You can also try using a relaxation strategy or meditation when you feel the urge to smoke.
1. Change Your Routine
Changing your routine is one way to avoid triggers and temptations while you’re quitting. For example, you can set your alarm a little earlier and do a few sit-ups instead of having that first smoke in the morning.
Similarly, you can eat your lunch in the cafeteria instead of at home. Or you can have a walk around the block instead of heading out for your afternoon cigarette.
You can also change your routine by changing the location where you consume alcohol or coffee. Drinking these drinks with a friend or family member who smokes can be another smoking trigger, so try to avoid these situations as much as possible.
While you’re in these situations, replace the drink with a non-alcoholic alternative such as water, 100% fruit juice, or sports drink. This is especially helpful if you tend to drink alcoholic drinks while smoking.
If you feel tempted to light up during times of stress, try practicing deep breathing or calling a friend for support. Some people have found that chewing sugarless gum or hard candy helps them avoid smoking during stressful moments.
In addition, you can take some time to relax by thinking of all the reasons you decided to quit smoking in the first place. Write these down or put a picture of them somewhere you see them every day.
Finally, you can reward yourself for staying smoke-free. If you’ve managed to stay smoke-free for a full day, treat yourself to something that you’ve always wanted.
This may help you maintain your focus on the long term goal of quitting. Then, you’ll be more likely to succeed at keeping your tobacco use in check.
2. Distract Yourself
Distracting yourself can help you stay on track with your quit plan. It can also help you avoid smoking relapses when they occur.
For example, you can distract yourself by taking a walk or doing something else that will keep your mind busy and off cigarettes. You can also make a list of things you need to do each day that will divert your attention from thinking about cigarettes.
Another way to distract yourself is to think about different activities that you enjoy. These can be anything from watching TV or reading a book to playing an online game.
You can also find a meme account that you like on Instagram or look at an old joke video on YouTube. Using humor can help you stay positive and in a better mood.
The key is to focus on something that keeps your mind off of smoking and allows you to deal with your emotions in a healthy manner. Many people turn to unhealthy coping strategies when they feel overwhelmed by their emotions, such as drinking, smoking, or self-harming.
However, research has shown that distraction techniques can be helpful in coping with strong and uncomfortable feelings such as anxiety and depression.
Practicing distraction techniques can also be beneficial in managing strong and uncomfortable emotions, such as anger or sadness. In fact, it can be a great way to manage symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
If you are finding it difficult to stop feeling anxious, try to practice distraction strategies on a regular basis. The more you use them, the more flexible and natural they will become. To start, create a list of distraction activities that you can do when intense emotions come up.
3. Remind Yourself Why You Quit
If you’re feeling a craving for a cigarette, remind yourself why you quit. This may help you avoid going back to smoking again and reinforce that you’re strong enough to overcome temptation.
Triggers and temptations are common for smokers, especially during the first weeks of quitting. These can include things like stress, negative moods or drinking coffee. Knowing your triggers and understanding how to deal with them will help you quit smoking for good.
For example, if you drink coffee and it makes you want to smoke, try replacing that drink with tea instead. You can also change the way you drink it, such as by brewing your tea in a different room or by having it at a different time of day.
Changing your routine can also help reduce the chances of you slipping up and smoking. For example, if you normally start the day with a cigarette, change it to a healthy breakfast.
You can also use exercise to reduce your stress and get your mind off smoking. Exercise releases endorphins, which help relieve tension and calm the brain.
Another option is to meditate. Meditation can help calm the mind and improve focus, which can reduce the likelihood of a cigarette craving.
In addition, you can practice controlled deep breathing. Breathe deeply, holding each inhale and exhale for about 10 seconds.
If the urge to smoke is particularly strong, wait a couple of minutes until the craving goes away. You can also distract yourself by doing something else, such as walking around your house or taking a bath.
If you’re having trouble staying off cigarettes, ask your family and friends to avoid smoking around you until you’re confident that you can stay smoke-free. It’s also important to remind yourself that you’re likely to feel much better if you stop smoking, so don’t let the urge to smoke keep you from staying on your quit journey!
4. Get Out of the Trigger Situation
Most people have triggers — moments or events that make them want to smoke. These may be tied to how you feel, or they may be triggered by activities you do on a regular basis.
You’ll need to identify your triggers and find ways to manage them. You may have to change your routine around certain things, distract yourself, or find another way to cope with the emotions that trigger them.
For example, if you usually smoke while you drive, try drinking coffee or tea instead. This can help you get out of the habit, and it might also reduce your cravings for cigarettes.
If you can’t avoid a trigger situation, try to stay focused on your goal of quitting. Having support from friends and family can also help.
Keep your stress levels down and practice relaxation techniques. This can be as simple as breathing slowly or meditating.
When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, talk to someone about it. It’s important to know that the urge to smoke isn’t a normal reaction to these feelings.
Other situations that can trigger a desire to smoke include finishing a meal, watching TV or driving, and drinking alcohol or coffee. These are called “pattern triggers.”
Getting out of the situation can be as simple as changing your schedule, or as complex as figuring out how to cope with the emotions that trigger the craving.
In some cases, it may be helpful to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which provides small amounts of nicotine to your body, so that your cravings can be controlled. However, this treatment is not for everyone. Teens, pregnant women, and those with severe medical conditions should consult with their doctor before trying it.
5. Reward Yourself
When you start a new, smoke-free lifestyle, it’s natural to reward yourself for the hard work that you put in. Treating yourself to a nice meal or buying something special you’ve been eyeing can be a good way to boost your mood and make you feel proud of yourself for quitting.
You can also use rewards to remind yourself of your progress and help you stay on track when you’re struggling with cravings. For example, keep a list of your goals and a calendar of when you plan to meet them. Write down daily, weekly, and monthly milestones, and then use these to keep yourself on track.
Having a support network of people you trust is also helpful. If you’re having a tough time with a craving, reach out to friends or family who can offer encouragement and moral support.
The more you support yourself, the easier it will be to stick to your new smoking-free lifestyle. If you’re having a difficult time, talk to your doctor about using medication or counseling to help you quit smoking.
If you have a hard time avoiding your triggers, consider adjusting your routine and changing the places or activities that are most likely to aggravate your urge to smoke. For example, if you usually smoked when drinking coffee, try switching to a non-alcoholic beverage or sipping it in a different room.
A physical activity is another great way to distract yourself from your cravings. You can walk, ride your bike, or take part in a workout class. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain, which can help you feel more calm and relieve stress.
You can also treat yourself to a dental cleaning or get your teeth whitening. This will help you look and feel your best, which can help you maintain your motivation to quit.