Smoking is an addictive behavior – and it can be difficult to quit. However, knowing the science behind nicotine addiction can help you understand and manage withdrawal symptoms when quitting.
Nicotine withdraws from the body in a process that begins four to 24 hours after the last cigarette is smoked. Symptoms usually peak and then decrease over a period of several days.
How Nicotine Withdrawal Happens
The nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products stimulates receptors in the brain. This causes the release of dopamine, a neurohormone that makes you feel good.
Once you stop smoking or using nicotine-containing products, dopamine levels decline. This leads to the physical and other withdrawal symptoms that you may experience when quitting.
Fortunately, there are treatments that can help alleviate or prevent nicotine withdrawal. These include medications like bupropion, varenicline, cytisine and nortriptyline.
Another strategy is to gradually reduce your dose of nicotine, which also decreases withdrawal. Many people also find it helpful to join a smoking cessation program or seek support from family and friends.
Besides medication, you can also manage your stress by eating healthy and getting active. These strategies can help you deal with cravings, minimize weight gain and increase your confidence.
Symptoms of Withdrawal
Smokers often experience nicotine withdrawal when they quit smoking. This is because nicotine has a powerful, addictive effect on the body and brain.
Nicotine binds to certain receptors in the brain, stimulating them to release a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is a feel-good hormone that plays an important role in regulating behavior and mood.
When you smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products, these receptors are stimulated and release dopamine. When you stop using them, these receptors don’t receive any nicotine and therefore no longer release dopamine, which can lead to nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Some of the most common nicotine withdrawal symptoms are cravings for nicotine, irritability, anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, and restlessness (psychomotor agitation). These symptoms typically peak within 3 days of quitting and diminish over time.
Managing Withdrawal Symptoms
Nicotine withdrawal is a natural part of quitting smoking. It isn’t dangerous or deadly, but it can be difficult to handle.
Symptoms usually peak 4-24 hours after your last cigarette and can take a few days to improve. Most people experience mild to moderate symptoms that slowly disappear after several weeks.
Emotional aspects of withdrawal can be difficult to cope with and may lead to depression, anxiety or irritability. Counseling with a mental health professional or joining a support group can help manage these feelings.
Medication to help reduce nicotine intake, such as nicotine replacement therapy, can also help. It is a good idea to gradually decrease your intake of nicotine rather than abruptly stopping it, since this causes less withdrawal symptoms.
Quitting Smoking
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. It can reduce your risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses.
You’ll also feel better and have a healthier body. Your body will start to repair the damage caused by cigarette smoke and will slowly get back to normal.
Within 8 to 12 hours after you quit, your blood carbon monoxide level drops and your heart rate and oxygen levels increase. This improves your circulation and lowers your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Your lungs begin to heal, too. The delicate, hair-like structures that push mucus out of your lungs, called cilia, begin to grow back from the damage caused by years of smoking.
Your risk of heart attack decreases over the first year after you quit. It will continue to drop over the next several years, reducing your risks by half.
In conclusion, the science behind smoking cessation and nicotine withdrawal is a complex but important aspect of quitting smoking. By understanding how nicotine affects the brain and the body, smokers can gain a deeper appreciation of their addiction and the challenges they face during withdrawal.
It’s essential to understand that withdrawal symptoms are temporary and that with the right support and resources, it’s possible to overcome them.
Telehealth providers offer a range of smoking cessation programs that cater to individual needs and help manage nicotine withdrawal symptoms. With the right approach, quitting smoking can be a life-changing experience that opens the door to better health and a brighter future.
So, if you’re ready to break free from nicotine addiction and take control of your health, start by understanding the science behind smoking cessation and nicotine withdrawal.